Forest Floor

The forest floor is the most distinctive and firstmost storey of the rainforest! It is often dark and humid, with lots of shade, due to the canopy leaves above. This is why it is home to a plethora of decomposers, such as ferns, fungus, terites, scorpions and moss. However, a very fascinating species of frogs that lives on the forest floor is the Poison Dart Frog!

Poison Dart Frogs

The Poison Dart Frog, also known as the arrowhead frogs, live in the forest floor. They can be heard calling their attratc their mates, as they have a well-devolped vocal structure. Ths is why they are able to be indentified by their calls. Furthermore, their diet consists of ants and termites, which they capture with their tounge. Their tounge, is sticky and retratable, making it easy for them to scoop the animals off of the forest floor. Not to mention, the frogs are able to live for up to 20 years.